The History of Wolf Radio & Wolf Enterprise

We have been through some changes. Starting in Radio back in 1996 as Wolf Radio. We also became Wolf Enterprise when when my wife Amanda and I started the radio show the DNA Show. This Show focused on technology and computer repair. I also make on site house calls for repairing computers.  Amanda also started her Pet Sitting business Wolfies Pet Care. However with the ever changing technology world, where everyone has an iPhone they listen to instead of the radio and the streaming wars are ever growing, it is time we go in a new direction. With that the launch of:
Trimming Edge Lawn Care

Over time we will be phasing out Wolf Radio however, I will be still working in IT for the time being. Amanda is still going to offer her Pet Sitting Services. We will keep the Wolf Radio Blog up for news and information Available Here

For now I am still doing IT and Computer Work under the Wolf Enterprise name.

Please make checks to Wolf Enterprise and Wolfie's Pet Care out to Wolf Radio LLC

All checks for the Lawn Care Service should be made out to:  Trimming Edge Lawn Care LLC 

All Checks to Wolfies Pet Care or pet services should be made out to: Wolfies Pet Care

As of November 13, 2022 we no longer offer Audio and Video services for our church in Huntington MA “Huntington Evangelical Church’ & We are no longer in the radio or media market. A lot has changed in that market over the years. So GOD has a new path for us and We hope you enjoy all the things we find along that journey. As we find them we will post them right here.  

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,